Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It's that time again

So...what do all these pictures have in common?..

My beloved beef jerkey

On sale, 3/$5.00 at London Drugs. I also have non-salted and honey dijon mustard

Lychee candy from Candyland

I love Dark Chocolate M&M's.

..I tend to eat a lot when I have any kind of final exam to study for.. Since Bio 334 is this Friday, I went and bought all these snacks for my lonesome self when I overslept past my stop today. I need to get some hardcore exercise soon. I can't help it if I'm still a fatty :'(

Oh, I also have a huge bag of chocolate chip cookies, only $2! They're delicious, full of buttery chocolately goodness.

I don't lie about my eating habits to all you doubters out there. Although below shows a typical bowl of rice that I'll eat at dinner time. Actually, this one has a bit more than usual only because there was fish tonight.

Yes, it can fit nicely into my palm, I have a small bowl. Perhaps it's my feeble attempt at trying to control my ballooning weight.

I seriously think I'll be 200 pounds by the end of summer, just don't poke my [developing] beer gut please, it's sensitive. Tear tear, cut cut.


  1. *poke*

    this is why I haven't made you the brownies yet =)

  2. I have to eat rice everyday.

    I'm not insane nelson...ironically, maplestory is what's keeping me together.

  3. oooo =P dark chocolate M&Ms.....gotta give those a try one of these days =P

  4. and yes, I've heard of them =P....but I don't think i know any of their songs, at least not off the top of my head...
