Wednesday, April 29, 2009

..Never again

Going into the Math exam I had an A average.. Coming out, I'll be lucky with a B. My last exam one the worst one by far. At least in Bio I had some confidence with some questions. This exam.. I didn't understand half of what was being asked. It was so not representative of what we were doing all year. It better be fucking scaled because over half the questions had me more than stumped. And I wasn't the only one.

Except, this one douche.

Myself, Sandy, and Henry were talking about it..well, more like bitching about how hard it was, and this one guy 8 paces behind us goes ''I didn't think it was that bad of an exam!"... Fucker.

And now, I must pack. I must say, I'm not that excited..

1 comment:

  1. Gah! Sounds like my bus course. Went into the final with an A and the outcome? A totally different story.
