Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My mom needs help.

For a good 40 minutes, my dad had to teach my mom how to get to UBC from our house. Then how to get to Granville and 70th from there.

Forty. Minutes. She can't use a map. She needs pictures, and step by step instructions. Literally. Google directions aren't good enough for her.



  1. ...and I thought I was bad. *patpat*

  2. Considered GPS yet? In car navigation systems are becoming quite affordable & practical. Did I mention I have started to sell in car navigation systems, no I'm not plugging personal GPS devices at all on your blog *shifty eyes*

  3. and i would think it was a pretty simple matter....

  4. Haha, GG. Roads get confusing sometimes okay?! =P

  5. well, it was more pop-ish singing than opera singing =P.....but yah, the entire musical was written as a concert =P

  6. Hey, I am a Mom (and related to your Mom). Your Mom had no trouble in finding the way to the hospital when she was in labour with you!!! It was you who took 20 hours to find your way to this world. What...? didn't you and your young baby friends have GPS (God Provided Services) ?
