Thursday, December 10, 2009


I can not for the life of me focus on my studies. Perhaps it's the Christmas music playing in the background, or that my arm is hurting like a mother from the stupid H1N1 shot. I swear, I'm suffering from side effects of that shot. Fatigue. Fatigue. Fatigue. Pain. Fatigue.

Random thoughts/ramblings at the top of my head at the moment, read if you care. I know two of you do :):
  • Melbourne planning is well underway. Visa? Check. Acceptance? Check. Flights? Nope, I should get on that ASAP.. looking at $1600 round trip.
  • I leave in about 60 days. Two months to the day.
  • San Francisco Trip 10.5 hours after my last final on the 21st. I really wanted to buy a new mp3 player..thing this Boxing Day. Online shopping will suffice.
  • My liver needs recovery, it better regenerate quickly.
  • I've been working more that I was in first and second year, yet this year has been my toughest yet.
  • I have 62.5 gigs of TV shows to watch.
  • Growing apart from people sucks. Inevitable given the circumstances.
  • White Spot makes me large. Very large.
  • I better not turn into an alcoholic, I have no shame in admitting this. It's a path I hope I never have to go down, but I know I can find other outlets to calm myself down. No drugs either.
  • Tiger Woods is despicable yet I feel sorry for him at the same time.
  • I miss badminton
With that, I'm going to hole up and pray I can actually get some studying done. Number 1, 2 and 3 need to stay off my mind. Only one person may understand what I actually mean by that.


  1. yah......i didnt trust the H1N1 shot enough to take it XD....

  2. I don't trust the shot either but I was forced to take it. Arm still hurts and I got mine on Monday. RAWR!

    You're not allowed to get large. How are you going to pick up a sexy white girl if you're fat? HMM?
