Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Nelson est le sad and tired.

Bloody Ebeneezer!

I did not perform as well as I thought I would do in English.. The one book I did not prepare for at all was Jane Eyre.. and Mrs Dalloway but hellll no was I going to write on that. Four choices in the close reading, I had to choose two to do a close analysis of. Jane Eyre was one of them. Can't do that. Left me with three. A book that I was going to include in my Part II essay was also asked, can't do that one because you can't use part A material for B.. So I was stuck with the 2 remaining poems.

I sat there, I kid you not, for thirty full minutes. It was 4:02 before I finally took off the cap of my pen, wrote my name/etc on the booklet, and started my brainstorming. I basically self taught/made up stuff about one of the poems because I barely studied it considering he spent like 30 minutes on it in class. I hope my wonderful BS holds up..

Suffice to say, I completely ran out of time. I only had time to proofread my first essay/3 and found countless mistakes/errors and made lots of modifications. Got started on my 2nd one to hear, "One minute left!".. There were only like 8 people left in the hall at this time. I fail. I fail. I fail.

Now, I move on to Math. Fucking, math. People were talking about math today in the IKB area as I was waiting to go into the exam room. I did not understand a word they were saying about Orthogonality. I am so screwed.

Five hours to study. I should get off this thing.


,oh, and my stomach was also growling uncontrollably the entire time. My face turned bright red each time.. ha


  1. aw, you poor thing. see, should have had the cake =P

    almost done! add oil mr. pokie!

  2. exams make you very hungry. it's not fair!
